Plan Design and Installation

There is no single best retirement plan, no one-size-fits-all solution. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Every business is unique, every work team has specific needs. That’s why DB&Z specializes in designing customized retirement plans, tailor-made to fit. To reach that goal, we ask a lot of questions, dive deep into goals, and look closely at short- and long-range strategies.

After that work is done, we can design and install your plan, ensuring that it’s the right fit and is operating effectively and efficiently.


We also excel at fine-tuning existing plans, ensuring they perform at the highest level, avoiding costly compliance issues, and meet the needs of your employees, your business, and you. We offer peace of mind in an industry that can be extremely complex.


If a plan is out of compliance, we can help. We have the expertise to find the problems, fix them and then put the necessary strategies in place to prevent future problems. We are – by nature –  proactive rather than reactive. We understand that it’s better to prevent than repair.

DB&Z: Solving problems and offering solutions.